Day #2506 (Sun., Nov. 13, 2016) – Falling Off The Trampoline
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Bobby is showing such an interest in cars and trucks that I’ve been thinking of getting him a “Hot Wheels” track. I stopped off at Wal-Mart on the way home from the gym to see what was available. Not much… I don’t think that it is as popular an item as it used to be with Star Wars and Legos filling up the shelves these days. I see that Amazon has quite a few items available so I might pick up one for him for Thanksgiving.
While I was at Wal-Mart I came across the Scrabble Junior edition for kids. I wonder if this wouldn’t be a great gift for Katie?
Bobby accidentally fell off the trampoline this afternoon and Katie came into the house yelling for help. Bobby cried, but not as much as one would suspect. He does have quite the bruise on his head now (see photo to the right), but he is not about to let anything so minor get in his way of other “dangerous” climbing activities.
This evening my wife brought the bathroom scales out to the living room. Bobby got up on them and when he got off he pranced around like he was a sumo wrestler…big powerful pounding steps on the floor. Wonder what that was all about?