Day #184 (Tue., July 6, 2010) – Houston, We Have A Tooth?
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Little Katie was out on a stroll with my mother-in-law when I woke up this morning. She was asleep when I got home from work…so I didn’t get a chance to see much of her today. I did peek in on her when I got home from work to make sure she still existed…

My wife sent me an email at work. They think they see a little tooth peeking through little Katie’s gums. You have to look quick…little Katie won’t let you open up her mouth and look for long.
The photo to the right shows another toy that little Katie enjoys. We don’t know the actual name of it, so let’s call it the “Activity Tower”. Little Katie is into tiny little parts these days, so she likes the tiny little features that this tower has to offer. There are little things inside each of the blocks that she can turn and push and poke. Notice the bears head at the top of the tower? If you push it down there is a dog’s head at the other end.
Last night I fixed the rubber feet on the “Around We Go” Activity Station with a little super glue. It appears to be holding just fine. I usually have better luck with epoxy…but if this will work so be it.
Little Katie doesn’t appear to be “into” the organic sweet potato “mush” very much. In fact as soon as she sees the baby spoon coming her way she turns her head in the other direction (like it will go away). My wife was saying that she will give her a baby spoon to play with so it will not have such a negative impact in the future.
1) Little Katie is starting to get a tooth?