Day #2619 (Mon., Mar. 6, 2017) – The Nicest Girl In Class

During recess, William was with Katie since ‘he always follows her’. Max said something that hurt William’s feelings. William told Mr. Jones who responded: ‘don’t worry, William, Katie is with you – he is the nicest girl in class’.

Bobby fell on the stairs at Genevieve’s house and lightly scraped his cheek. He loves going over there. There is a big truck on the gravel pile and lots of other toys… My wife even took him behind the house to look at the creek.

2017-03-06 - Wind Up ChickAfter work I picked up some punch balloons and a little yellow wind-up chick (see photo to the left) at the Dollar Store. My wife wanted me to pick up the punch balloons as the kids had such a great time with them at Katie’s birthday party.

My wife ordered candy wafers from Amazon and they came this evening. Red, white, and black…just what we need for the Nerdy Nummies Spiderman Pops.

I went to Trader Joe’s for supplies this evening. I made sure to pick up ice cream for Katie as she has been asking for it.

Bobby got out of the house this evening just before we were putting him to bed. He had a great time running around the car.