Day #2623 (Fri., Mar. 10, 2017) – Mad Rush To Get Katie To School
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The photo to the left shows Bobby sleeping with his superheroes. He likes to take them to bed. My wife will go and retrieve them once he is asleep.
My wife was up with Bobby in the middle of the night and overslept. As a result, it was a mad dash to get Katie ready for school this morning. When we arrived at Glenwood all the crossing guards had left and the last kids were entering the school. If it had been a minute later I would have probably needed to check Katie in via the school office.
My wife took the day off work to get ready for Bobby’s birthday party tomorrow. She made the “Spaghetti Inserted Into Weiners” dish (to mimic a spider) today so it will be ready to feed the mob that arrives tomorrow. Arnesa sent us a photo of the Spiderman cake she made…beautiful!
On the way home from work this evening I stopped off at the Dollar Store for more supplies. I picked up 8 more Spiderman towels and two bags of small Spiderman tops for the gift bags we will be handing out to kids at Bobby’s birthday party tomorrow. I also picked up 10 bags of various candies to fill the Spiderman pinata.
This evening I filled up the Spiderman pinata with candies and treats.