Day #2657 (Thu., Apr. 13, 2017) – Mr. Rathbun Talks To Katie
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On the drive to Glenwood this morning Katie inquired about what we were doing to address the Eleri issue. I told her not to worry…we are taking care of it. My wife sent Mr. Rathbun, the counselor at Katie’s school, an email today. We’re thinking we can meet with him on Monday morning to take steps to resolve this issue. I guess he talked to Katie later in the day and asked her why she was missing so much school. Her reply was “heartburn”, but she didn’t say anything about Eleri.
I went to the Dollar Store today to pick up some candy for the Easter Egg Hunt we are having on Saturday (see photo to the left). I also picked up a package of cotton candy for Katie as well. It was either this or ring pops (she later told me to pick the ring pops next time).
Bobby sneezed into my face this evening. Oh oh… All the washing hands and not rubbing your eyes are worthless if a kid with a cold sneezes in your face.
Bobby insists on taking his fire truck to bed with him these days.