Day #2659 (Sat., Apr. 15, 2017) – Easter Egg Hunt

We hosted an Easter Egg Hunt from 10am – noon today. We invited the neighborhood kids and Katie’s classmates. There were lots of kids and we had a craft table in the house where the kids could do crafts before the other guests arrived.

We had lots of food available, but nobody seemed to be interested. They did munch no a few mushroom turnovers, gathering Easter eggs was the main attraction of the day.

2017-04-15 - SnakeBoth Bobby and Katie had a blast at the event. Bobby had fun running around. He didn’t seem to be too aware of all the eggs about him, but I managed to pick one up and showed him the insides and put it into his basket. He loved munching on the Easter chocolate.

In some of the Easter eggs my wife had little puzzle pieces that the kids put together to form a big puzzle. Katie showed the kids a little snake that lived under one of the rocks in our front yard (see photo to the right).

Genevieve’s dad took a wonderful picture of Bobby. He was smiling from grin-to-grin, the background was out of focus, and he had a fire truck in one hand and a Spiderman in the other. Very telling…

A selection of various trucks came for Bobby this evening. He particular eyed the mail truck and took it to bed with him.