Day #2678 (Thu., May 4, 2017) – Glenwood Spring Fair

2017-05-04 - Spring FairThere was a PTA meeting this morning so my wife took Katie to school. I stayed home til 8am when Christa arrived to tend to Bobby. My wife told me that Jack was taking are of the kids in the other room but didn’t bother to separate boys who were fighting so she took one of the boys to her room.

There was a Spring Fair at Katie’s school this evening. My wife took Bobby along as well and I guess she spent three hours running after him. He was fearless and tried everything that was placed before him. The kids happened to come across a snake so that was another highlight of the evening. Katie managed to get a few gifts at the fair (see photo to the right). The kids ate pizza off of one of the pizza trucks.

I was planning on going home and resting while the family was at the fair. At first, I thought of going, but with all the walking about I decided to give my legs a rest. This was not to be as I was invited out for dinner by my workmates. We went to JuJu’s, an Asian Fusion restaurant in Northern Durham.