Day #2732 (Tue., Jun. 27, 2017) – Printing Out Chore Sheets

2017-06-27 - Chore ListToday was my day to work in the office so I took Katie to “Swamp Camp” this morning. Incidentally, it is right down the road from my office. She wanted me to check her in. Luckily there was a handicap parking spot nearby so I didn’t have to walk too far. She forgot her backpack in the car so luckily we remembered to go back and get it before I drove off. She got to see an owl in a cage today.

I printed out chore sheets in Excel today. This evening I put them into the pink binder I picked up last night. Now Katie can get back into the business of recording her daily chores.

This evening my wife told me that if Bobby will not eat one of those little cups of yogurt he really is not interested in eating anything. When then happens she knows that it is time to put him to bed.