Day #2771 (Mon., Aug. 7, 2017) – “Fox Walk” Camp

My wife took Katie for her first day of “Fox Walk” day camp this morning as I am working from home. I asked Katie what they did at the camp and she said that they played games. Right up her alley.

My wife took Katie to the doctor this afternoon as she had a bad cough. The nurse, who incidentally is going for her Ph.D., was not very “kid friendly”. Katie got scared of her and tried to crawl up on her mother’s lap.

2017-08-07 - Broken Fire TruckWhen Katie got home this evening she threw the remote on the ground. My wife was wondering what was up with that. Katie will sometimes do stuff like this if she is frustrated or has a bad day. She told my wife that kids were looking at the bandage on her finger at day camp today.

Bobby loves to go into the laundry room and play with the cat food. He will even eat some of it.

The photo to the left shows the fire truck that Bobby broke. He just twists and turns toys til they snap. I put some epoxy on it tonight buy my wife went and got it as Bobby refused to go to bed without his two firetrucks.

My wife got her new Apple smartphone in the mail this evening. She had a hard time setting it up. I thought Apple products were “plug and play”?