Day #2785 (Mon., Aug. 21, 2017) – Viewing The Eclipse
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I spent part of the morning finishing off the Trader Joe’s cereal box pinhole cameras to see the eclipse through. We now have four of them. One for my wife and Katie and I and one for the nanny as well. We’re hoping that Bobby will be asleep during the eclipse, but he has a rather erratic nap schedule these days so who knows…
The actual eclipse was at 2:44 pm EST today but the festivities on our front lawn started about an hour before that and extended to about an hour afterward (off and on that is). My wife made three small holes in the foil so that we could test out what it looked like with holes of various dimensions (see photo to the left).
You could see “okay” via the pinhole cameras we made, but nothing compared to actually looking at the sun via the sunglasses that my wife bought on Amazon. My wife made sure to hold them tightly to Katie’s face so that no area of her eyes would be exposed to the sun. We even managed to see “mini eclipses” on the ground that were made by the light peering through the leaves in the trees.
It was a great historic moment but in this day of computer animation and HD videos, a bit boring for kids. Katie, in fact, asked her mother if she could go indoors and play with the computer during the event.
This evening Katie found her way into my office and took some coloring pencils out to the living room. My wife and I grilled her that she was not to go and take things that do not belong to her. She needs to ask permission first.