Day #2802 (Thu., Sep. 7, 2017) – Katie’s Self-Image
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The photo to the right shows Bobby’s Spiderman sneakers. He loves to wear them and they will light up as he walks.
As I was taking Katie to school this morning I asked her what her self-image was. She responded with:
1) Kind
2) Take care of William (people tease him about his clothes, etc.)
3) Pretty
4) Helpful
I then asked her about “smart” and she laughed. She said that she cannot figure out math problems at times. I told her that my boss said that she was very intelligent and a deep thinker. Laura, her piano teacher, has also mentioned that she is her best student. I told Katie that she just needs to learn to focus better at the task at hand. That’s all.
I told my boss that they are planning the knee surgery for me on September 28th. He was not too happy that I would be off for six weeks recovering.
This evening we interviewed Lizzie. She’s from Durham and is going to Durham Community College. She was a girl scout for years and happens to like super heroes. We were so impressed with her that we hired her on the spot. She will start work for us tomorrow morning.
For some reason when we were interviewing Lizzie, Katie brought out the potting soil we got from Amazon. I guess if you are out of chocolates and cookies you give guests potting soil? Katie also mentioned that she could not marry Theo because he is not a fruit (i.e.: She is “Mango” in the game that they play at recess).