Day #2805 (Sun., Sep. 10, 2017) – Testing Out A Wheelchair
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Hurricane Irma hit Key West this morning. All the video cams I was planning to watch via YouTube are no longer working…kind of an ominous sign.
My wife wants me to get a flu shot. It will take 3 weeks for it to kick in and I cannot afford to get the flu along with having knee surgery. They didn’t have any more flu shots at the local Walgreens so I ended up driving out to the Walgreens near where I work.
When Bobby woke up from his nap this afternoon we all went to the Original Mattress Factory near Pittsboro to get a new mattress. I’m going to be spending a lot of time on my back in the next few months so I need to be comfortable. I’ve been having back aches when I get up from the bed as of late. This new mattress will hopefully solve this problem moving forward.
We were planning on going to Sam’s Club afterwards to get my new set of glasses, but the optical department is apparently closed on Sundays. We ended up going to Walgreens, the same Walgreens I went to get my flu shot this morning so that my wife could get one as well. They had a wheelchair there (see photo to the right) so I tested it out and the kids enjoyed pushing it around the store as well.
The next step was to KFC for some dinner but they really messed up our order. They didn’t have enough grilled chicken so I had them add in some original. In the end, they didn’t have any potato wedges and had us pull forward to wait for them. They forgot about us and I had to go into the store to see what was going on. I was not pleased and let them know. They ended up giving us some more chicken and a lemonade for Katie.
The last stop for today was to Jared at the mall so my wife could get her rings cleaned, then home.