Day #2865 (Thu., Nov. 9, 2017) – Sophie Teases William
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The photo to the left shows the little pumpkin that used to be up on the mantel. It used to have some decals for eyes and a mouth on it til Bobby got ahold of it and ripped them off.
I was supposed to go back to work today but the doctor extended my leave until next week. I will, therefore, be returning to work next Thursday.
Another physical therapy session this afternoon. On the way to the session, we were talking about Terry, and how he put up a photo of us on his Facebook account. She said that she doesn’t know anyone as deep as I am. Not exactly sure what that means…
Katie says Sophi is teasing William now. It bothered my wife and me on two levels. The first level was that Katie seemed happy that Sophie was not bullying her anymore. The second level was that she didn’t stick up and defend William. William is a very quiet boy and needs people to be on his side. This will be a teachable moment for Katie.
Bobby sure loves his baths. He not only loves the water and playing with his toys, he will blow water out of his mouth and pretend to swim.
We could hear some rustling out in the washing room area this evening. We knew that Bobby was up to something. Eventually, he appeared with a hammer. He loves to climb up and get tools off of the rack that we have on the washing room wall.