Day #2874 (Sat., Nov. 18, 2017) – 4 x $5.00 x KFC
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We took the kids to see CiCi this morning for a haircut. In fact, we all had a haircut except Katie. Katie does not like to have her hair brushed…that’s why she doesn’t like haircuts. Bobby was quite the charmer. He stood still for the haircut no problem (see photo to the left). Unlike last time he even let CiCi put the black apron over him.
Katie is into braiding these days. My wife plans on teaching her sewing and various other skills along those lines. We’re thinking of getting a new sewing machine via the Black Friday deals that are coming up.
We got four different $5 meal deals at KFC on the way home. It was delicious, but it sure wiped us out. Once Bobby went to bed my wife and I went to bed for a nap as well. Perhaps all the calories and fat?
Bobby managed to take the covering off the baby seat this evening. He’s always taking something apart, trying to figure out how it all works and potentially uncover some hidden treasures. For example, this evening he found a knife under the baby seat covering.