Day #2946 (Mon., Jan. 29, 2018) – Concert In The Bedroom
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The photo to the right shows some of the Lego exhibit that Katie went to yesterday.
My wife kept Katie home from school today as she was not feeling well. My wife had her do some math homework and take a nap during the middle of the day. Katie told me that she was so uncomfortable that she could not sleep so she just read. She started to feel better towards the end of the day so it looks like she will be able to go to school tomorrow.
Another day of preschool for Bobby today. It was raining cats and dogs as my wife dropped him off.
Katie gave us all a concert in her bedroom this evening. Bobby was in rare form and nothing it seems could calm him down. He has started to pulling hair, which he thinks is funny. We’re going to have to break him of that habit.