Day #2947 (Tue., Jan. 30, 2018) – Into Cement & Flour
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I dropped Katie and Helen off at Glenwood this morning. Helen is very excited that she will be going to California next month. Katie exclaimed that she is excited to be going to Oklahoma to be Nikki’s flower girl. Katie also said that she is excited about today because Murren is going to show her some “invisibility tricks”…whatever that means… Helen said that she thought Murren was the girl who lied a lot and Katie replied that she has gotten better.
The photo to the left shows Katie and Bobby pretending to be cats and lapping up milk off the floor.
I felt a cold coming on so I went right to bed when I got home this evening. Before I knew it Bobby in my bedroom. My wife told him not to disturb me while she was doing piano practice with Katie, but I guess the temptation was just too much. He can open up all the doors in the house now so it is really challenging to put him where we leave him. We even have to lock the front door now so that he doesn’t wander off outside.
Another favorite “haunt” of Bobby as of late is the basement. He loves to go down there and explore. Tonight he came back all covered in white. We are assuming that it was cement powder. We cleaned him up but that reminded him of the flour in the cupboard so he was soon into that as well.