Day #2952 (Sun., Feb. 4, 2018) – Super Bowl LII

I gave the kids a “Special Present” of some modeling clay that I picked up at the Dollar Store the other day. Katie, of course, wanted to shape it into animals, so I made a fox and a panda (based on what was in the package) and Katie made a snake and a dog. Bobby enjoyed making a mess. Later in the day he brought the figures to me while I was sitting on the LazyBoy and proceeded to screw off the clay, a bit at a time, and throw it over his shoulder. Luckily Katie was in bed at this time.

2018-02-04 - LazyBoy JumpBoth kids have made a game out of jumping off one of the LazyBoys and landing in a pile of newly washed clothes on the sofa (see photo to the right). Great fun when you are a kid. When I see antics like this my knee starts to hurt.

Super Bowl LII was this evening and the Eagles were able to down the Patriots. It was a close game throughout, and the best Super Bowl I have ever seen. I have become accustomed to recording it and fast forwarding through the commercials and stoppage of play in order to see “chunks” of the game before it’s time to feed Bobby and watch his stuff.