Day #2990 (Wed., Mar. 14, 2018) – One Sick Family

Katie is stick today, so no school for her. She threw up in the middle of the night. When I woke up this morning she was lying down on the living room floor.

Social work called…they want to talk to us about Katie’s absences from school. My wife told them to talk to the school principal first as we told her everything. As per an email that the social worker sent out later in the day, she CC’d Katie’s teacher.

2018-03-15 - Bobby's CrownBobby is off to preschool today. They celebrated his birthday and Bobby even made a crown for himself (see photo to the right). My wife made snacks for the class. Miss Cindy asked to put the fruits into bowls rather than toothpicks as it would be safer.

I was not feeling well so I left work early today. After a little nap, I relieved my wife so that she could have a nap. I didn’t think that I would be able to put Bobby to bed, but after multiple feeding sessions (he only wanted to eat cheese), I laid down with him and he was soon out. Oh, and Bobby had diarrhea…what a mess to change…

Katie made an appearance this evening while I was feeding Bobby. She is feeling better. When I was putting Bobby to bed she went to bed as well. An early evening for all of us here as we recover.