Day #3015 (Sun., Apr. 8, 2018) – Donuts Falling Into Chocolate

2018-04-08 - Dunkin DonutsBobby came up to me this morning with a wry little smile on his face and said: “Are you stupid”? I tried to explain to him that this was a bad thing to say to people, but he loves to get their reaction to this comment.

Katie went to art class at Victoria’s house this afternoon. The Chinese art teacher taught them the difference between dark and light and how to achieve this effect through shading.

I stopped off at Home Depot this afternoon and had them cut a 1″ plywood sheet to two specific sizes so that I can make a hard surface for my bed. I’m tired of having back problems in the morning and this will hopefully do the trick. I usually go to Lowe’s for this, but their saw was broken.

After watching the YouTube video of donuts falling into a chocolate pot, Bobby expressed a desire for a donut. We didn’t have any sweet cakes in the house. My wife offered to make brownies, but I said that I would go to Dunkin Donuts and get him one. A strawberry one for Katie as well (see photo to the left).