Day #3049 (Sat., May 12, 2018) – Katie’s Piano Recital

2018-05-12 - Cameron's CarsCameron happened to have some cards kicking around the house that she brought over to Bobby (see photo to the right). She came over this afternoon to take care of Bobby as my wife took Katie to her piano recital. I guess that Sophi said hello to all the kids except Katie. She told Katie that today was the only day she was going to be nice to her.

I went for a walk this afternoon. My leg was a bit wobbly so I decided to not go as far as I have been going in the past. I went to Jui-Lan’s house and back.

My wife and I talked about whether to mention the incident today to Katie’s teachers. We decided that we had to. Even though this happened outside of school hours it does show an attitude that needs to be taken into consideration. My wife is going to email the principal and CC the guidance counselor.