Day #3094 (Tue., Jun 26, 2018) – Dog Training Class

2018-06-26 - Maple's KennelThe photo to the left shows Maple’s sleeping accommodations…right next to Katie’s bed.

Bobby and Katie were playing this morning as I was heading off to work. They keep forgetting to shut the hallway door so that mommy can sleep in.

Bobby wanted juice + water + straw as I was heading out the door. He then showed me his new trick, jumping on the trampoline on one foot.

I teased Bobby that the “Maple Monster” (Maple) was going to eat us and that he scared daddy. Bobby replied that he was just a dog.

My wife has signed up Maple for dog training class on Saturdays. My wife and Katie will be going while I stay home with Bobby.

We played a bit of a game this evening. “Keep the monkey away from Bobby”. Katie and I would throw a stuffed monkey over Bobby’s head as he tried to get it.

My wife told me how to deal with Maple’s clothes biting issues. She will try to nip on your clothes as you go by. Just stop, and tell her no, and give her a toy to play with. I guess we are always supposed to have a toy on hand.