Day #3134 (Sun., Aug. 5, 2018) – Bobby Sorts Socks

2018-08-05 - Reading To BobbyThe photo to the right shows Bobby enjoying a book about animals as I put him to bed for his nap yesterday.

Trader Joe’s was out of the regular Greek yogurt we usually get so I got a tub of honey Greek yogurt instead. Bobby loves it, so I guess we will be getting it again.

I put the bed desk in the bedroom up against the wall this afternoon to make more room.

Katie won’t help clean up. I told her that her mother would be real impressed with her if she thought of something to clean up around the house. She just went back to playing on the iPhone.

Maple has been following me around now since I have been giving her treats.

We had dinner at the dinner table this evening.

Bobby helped me sort socks this evening. I showed him once and he insisted on folding them after that.

Bobby was playing outside this evening and accidentally fell down. He had a bloody nose and scraped his knee. He wanted to go to bed but my wife and I kept him up for a while to make sure that he was okay.