Day #3160 (Fri., Aug. 31, 2018) – Postcard For Bobby
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Bobby got a postcard from his teachers this year (see photo to the right).
Katie loves school this year. She actually looks forward to going and both her English and Chinese teachers are so nice. It’s amazing what a good teacher can do for a student. Makes you wonder why kids have to put up with bad and crabby ones?
I picked Katie up at 2:30 pm today. Helen went with her mother to the Halloween Store to pick out her Halloween costume for this year. Hard to believe it is only two months away. I guess she is going to be some girl from Star Wars. Katie told me that it wasn’t Princess Leah, so it will probably be one of the more recent female actresses (i.e.: Rey).
My wife took both Katie and Bobby to the free Chapel Hill pool this afternoon. This will be one of the last swims of the season as Labor Day is Monday and that is when most of the public pools start to shut down.
I made hamburgers for the kids this evening. Along with some oatmeal, cauliflower bits, and flax meal, the secret ingredient this evening was a can of beans. The kids loved them. I think that little brown sugar in the beans made them extra tasty.