Day #3205 (Mon., Oct. 15, 2018) – No More Baby Oatmeal
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The photo to the left shows the “honking” duck toy that we picked up for Maple at Harris-Teeter yesterday.
I took Bobby to school this morning and came to pick him up at noon. He had some hedgehog art…a drawing of a hedgehog with some moss glued on it.
I took Katie to dance class at 4:30 pm this afternoon. I had to go to the ATM and deposit a couple of checks for my wife, so I didn’t get a chance to see her whole dance routine. Katie asked me if I enjoyed the Halloween dance. She told me that this was the dance just before the class let out. I asked her why the teacher called it a Halloween dance and she was not sure. It didn’t look like they were trying to imitate any sort of scary ghosts or witches or such. I also know that they are not planning on having a Halloween performance.
We ran out of oatmeal baby food this evening. This looks like this is it. There are still a few prunes jars to help keep Bobby regular, and some blueberry jars to mix with his Greek yogurt at noon, but Bobby will finally be eating only “adult” food moving forward. Baby food in jars was very convenient while we were trying to make time due to my knee operations and a busy house, but everything must past. Besides, these baby food jars are not the cheapest way to eat…