Day #3209 (Fri., Oct. 19, 2018) – Tumble Gym

2018-10-19 - Tumble GymThere was a teacher work day at Bobby’s preschool today so he effectively has the day off. I took him to the Tumble Gym as the only “free day” they have is on Fridays and Bobby is usually at preschool. We met Arnesa, Ayra and Claudia there. They charge $8 per hour. Bobby had a blast (see photo to the right). I’m glad that I brought extra few as all three children loved to have the applesauce pouches that we buy at Trader Joe’s.

This afternoon I broke out the Play Doh that I got at the Dollar Store. Eight small jars, different colors, for only a dollar…imagine that. You couldn’t heat up the stove to make your own at that price. It’s good for an afternoon of entertainment and then you just throw it out. I looked up a YouTube video on how to make a Play Doh car and then Bobby and I made one together.

Bobby had his swim lesson with Miss Barbara this afternoon.

Katie loves Fridays as the weekend is here. She especially liked them last year with Miss Stanford.