Day #3243 (Thu., Nov. 22, 2018) – Thanksgiving Day!
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We are having a rather quiet Thanksgiving Day this year. Last year the Bosnians were over and Arnesa and family as well. This year will be a lot more low-key…just the family. It’s nice, quieter and no need to rush around and clean up the house and get ready for gifts.
My wife made a turkey (see photo to the right) and mashed potatoes and stuffing and gravy. We had store-bought cranberry sauce from Trader Joe’s along with a torte. It took longer to cook the turkey than we anticipated so we had lunch after Bobby went to bed for his nap. No worries…there will be plenty of food left for turkey dinner tonight and there is no guarantee that Bobby will eat anything anyway. I brought out an extra special treat for Katie after the meal was done…some cotton candy that I picked up at the Dollar Store the other day.
The opening sequence of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is a boy singing “Don’t Rain On My Parade”. Bobby loves it and wants to watch it again and again. It seems that this is all we watched all day today.
Bobby is fascinated with the elf on the shelf. There is Combo, the original elf, and a new one this year…which Katie named “Twinkle”. He will go and grab then off the Christmas tree and play with them. He’s “kinda” good about wearing plastic gloves, but he does mess up from time-to-time.