Day #3246 (Sun., Nov. 25, 2018) – Playing Dominoes

Today is Daddy/Daughter Day #75. Katie wanted to go to McDonald’s, so off we went. First stop was the Dollar Store to get some playing cards as Katie wanted to play “Old Maid”. I also picked up a game of Dominoes as I thought Katie would like to learn that game as well. She did like Dominoes, but it was “Old Maid” that she really liked. I asked her why and she could not explain… Perhaps because you are trying to “trick” the other person into taking a card that they don’t want?

As far as the meal went, Katie got the Happy Meal, with a cheeseburger. Of course the fries are always a hit. We got a package of Twizzlers and some Ring Pops at the Dollar Store for a bit of a dessert on the drive home. I told her to leave a few for Bobby.

2018-11-25 - Maple In Laundry BasketThis evening Maple fell sleep in the laundry basket that we use to put Katie’s clothes in (see photo to the right). Why? Perhaps because it has the smell of Katie on them?

Katie went to bed at 6:30 pm this evening. We’re not sure why, but hopefully she is not coming down with something.

At the Dollar Store this afternoon I got some extra batteries for Spiderman RC car that I gave him yesterday. It seems to be quite the battery hog.