Day #3247 (Mon., Nov. 26, 2018) – Writing Letter To Santa
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I found this old cell phone in the door of my car today (see photo to the right). Not sure where it came from? Perhaps Bobby would like to play with it?
I dropped Bobby off at preschool this morning and picked him up again at noon. In between I went to Trader Joe’s for supplies. We are constantly running out of blueberry drinkable yogurt these days as Bobby loves them so much.
After school Bobby wanted to play in the play area behind the school. Frankie joined us. They gave the kids some used Play Doh at school today and I fashioned it into a couple of dinosaurs for the kids. Amy, Frankie’s mom, said that she was not good at this sort of thing but managed to make quite a good little dinosaur.
I took Katie to dance class this evening. We got a chance to talk in the car on the way to dance class and the way back. She wanted to play “bigger than a breadbox”. I didn’t really feel like it, but I figured I would play as she will be grown up before you know it… One of her choices was a “Gnome”, like those that sit outside a person’s house.
On the way to dance class Katie told me about a letter that she wrote to Santa asking for permission to touch Combo and Twinkle, the “Elves on the Shelves”, without gloves. I guess she got a reply that it was okay. Bobby was excited to be able to touch them without gloves as well.