Day #3265 (Fri., Dec. 14, 2018) – Sleeping Bags Arrive

I went to east Raleigh on a job interview this morning so my wife stayed home from work.  She dropped Bobby off at preschool.  I was on my way back, and could have picked him up, but got stuck in traffic just before th exit to MLK blvd, so my wife had to pick him up as well.

We switched Bobby’s bed to be at a 45 degree angle.  He has been losing his toys behind the bed during nap time as of late and will not go to sleep til you go and get them for him.  This should resolve the problem of having to move the bed to get them.

The sleeping bags for Katie’s “sleepover” birthday in a couple of weeks came today (see photo to the left). Both Katie and Bobby love them. Bobby was sleeping in them and pretending to “camp out” all evening.

We are in the process of selecting Christmas gifts for the kids and Jasmine and her girls.  I suggested to my wife that she go to “Five Below” tomorrow as they have all sorts of toys and craft kits that little girls love.