Day #3289 (Mon., Jan. 7, 2019) – Katie Home Sick

Katie is home sick today. My wife left for work at 7 am. Katie had cereal for breakfast and Bobby had his favorite…a yogurt drink. I should add that Bobby didn’t get up til 9:30 am.

The photo to the right shows one of the gifts that Katie got for her birthday. Unicorn “poop” of all things. Go figure…

Katie wanted to eat a waffle later in the day. She actually asked for two, but once Bobby saw them he wanted one. I asked Katie to give him one of hers as she will probably not eat it. If she does want another one I can always make it. Well, Bobby gobbled his down while he watched the Masked Magician on YouTube on TV. It took Katie most of the day to finish hers.

Katie still had a fever this evening so there was a debate on whether we should take her to the doctor or not. We decided not to, and she will be staying home from school tomorrow to rest as well.

My wife showed me some of the “tie die” shirts that the kids did during Katie’s birthday party. They came out great. Katie is already talking about having a “tie die” shirt business to make money.

Bobby came into the bedroom to watch “Power Rangers” this evening. It’s just the type of show he likes. Lots of actions and monster villains. Hard to believe it’s been 25 years since I worked with Charlie in Australia and his kids were into Power Rangers… This show has passed the test of time.

Bobby wore my socks to bed this evening. They went all the way up on his legs.