Day #3304 (Tue., Jan. 22, 2019) – Homemade Play Doh

Bobby was up early this morning and went to bed for his nap by 11:15 am. He didn’t seem too interested in going to the park or anything, so we stayed home.

2019-01-22 - Play Doh Alligator

We made homemade “no bake” Play Doh. Bobby has been asking for some. Well, we buy a lot of the stuff but he keeps leaving it outside the container or bag so it gets hard and brittle and unusable. This stuff we made was not quite as good as store bought, but it will do. The photo to the right shows the alligator we crafted eating a bird (my wife said “wonderful”).

Bobby got into mommy’s soap this evening and poured it all over the bathroom floor. We asked him why he did it and he said he did not know. At least he didn’t blame it on Maple.

Piano class for Katie tonight. I stayed home and tended to Bobby. He was in rare form. He took a whole basket full of clothes and dumped it on Maple.

After piano class, my wife went to a school in Carborro where they are thinking of implementing a dual language Chinese program. Genevieve was there and asked how they were going to ensure diversity.