Day #3376 (Thu., Apr. 4, 2019) – Bobby Writes Seven
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Bobby had two blueberry drinks this morning while he watched television in the bedroom. He didn’t want to go to “storytime” with Arnesa, Claudia and Ayra (surprise, surprise). He wanted to just stay home and play.
We started off by playing with the castle blocks that Genevieve and Steve gave him for his birthday. We then drew and colored in the new coloring book and markers that I gave him today. Surprise, surprise… I asked him to count the number of barrels on the page and write the number in the spot provided. He counted out loud, 1… 2… and then wrote 7 in the spot (see photo to the right).
I tried to put Bobby to bed for a nap but he threw up all over the towel that my wife put on his mattress. Is he still sick from yesterday? Or overfed?
Katie forgot to bring her homework again today. He told me that she got into a fight with her girl friends.