Day #3473 (Wed., Jul 10, 2019) – KatieR Drops Off Blocks
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We could not find a working remote this morning so no television for the kids. That’s actually a good thing. The less screen time the better.
I took the kids to the Clark Pool in Carrboro this morning. For a while we were the only three people there. By the time we left around 12:30 pm there were still only about ten people there…including us. What a great deal for the summer months!
Katie (who I call KatieR), Henry & Alma’s mom, dropped off a box of blocks for Bobby today (see photo to the left).
We went back to Clark Pool this evening. Arnesa and baby Ayra were there as well. I swam laps in the deep end while my wife and Arnesa played and talked in the shallow end.
I went to Trader Joe’s again tonight. It seems I always forgot something. I picked up some blueberry drink for Bobby.