Day #3478 (Mon., Jul 15, 2019) – Toy Story Play Doh Figures

Bobby woke me up this morning and wanted me to put his Spiderman costume on him first thing.

I put some more ear drops in Katie’s ears this morning to overcome her “Swimmer’s Ear” infection. A couple of drops in the left and four in the right.

I decided to stay close to home today and play with the kids. We started off by making some Toy Story figurines. You can see Buzz & Woody in the photo to the right. I put them on a shelf in my desk to dry. We will be able to play with them once they harden.

Katie is really into the peaches that I bought at Trader Joe’s last night. Looks like I will need to get another box soon.

Bobby and I had a “Star Wars Sticker Fight”. We would put a sticker on our finger and try to knock the other guys sticker off. The one with the sticker left was the winner.

I also showed Bobby how to create a rocket out of paper and a straw. I cut a piece of paper off a brown TJ’s bag and wrapped it around the end of a straw. When you blow one end the paper will fly off like a rocket. Bobby got a kick out of it.