Day #3493 (Tue., Jul 30, 2019) – Amazon Box Fort

I kept a large Amazon box that some stuff came in. Today was the day to make a box fort out of it. The kids enjoyed hiding in it and having Maple come and get them (see photo to the right).

Bobby and I (mostly I) made “Forky” from the Toy Story 4 movie today.

Maple got her paw stuck on some threads in the chair that we got form Jui-Lan. She yelped and yelped and then ran away to have a nap. She hurt her paw a while back and it guess that it has not healed just yet.

There is always so much drama with Katie around her piano. She says that she loves it but it sure is hard to get her to practice. Will she just give it up once she is a teenager? My experience has been that those kids who are made to play piano will give it up as soon as they can.