Day #3585 (Wed., Oct. 30, 2019) – Jack-O-Lantern

Raining cats & dogs this morning. There was no lunch bunch today, so after picking Bobby up at noon I drove him around to pick up a pumpkin for the Jack-O-Lantern we are going to make this evening. Food Lion didn’t seem to have any outside, and nobody seemed to be at the stand near where we live, so I took him to Trader Joe’s.

While at Trader Joe’s, we not only picked out a pumpkin for $6.99, we got some groceries as well (see photo to the right). I got some fruit “buttons” for Bobby to munch on as we drove home.

The kids are really into Alexa. Bobby loves it get it to play “Baby Shark”. Katie enjoys asking it pretty much everything.

This evening we did indeed carve a Jack-O-Lantern out of the pumpkin. I did the tricky parts with the knife and they helped scoop out all the “guts”. We put a little Halloween decoration we got last year into it and put it at the end of the road. There is only tonight and tomorrow night so even a bit of rain was not going to stop us.

My wife was outside later this evening and told me that the pumpkin was missing. She found the little ghosts and other decorations on the road, but the pumpkin was nowhere to be found. Apparently, it fell off the stool we put it on and rolled “somewhere”. Too late and dark to figure out where tonight, I will try to find it tomorrow.