Day #3588 (Sat., Nov. 2, 2019) – Play Date At Natasha’s Place

The photo to the right shows the HUGE dog bones that Walmart sells. I mentioned them to my wife and she said that her vet does not recommend them.

Arnesa took Bobby to the Waldorf school this morning for a fair and puppet show. Katie didn’t want to go. She preferred to go to the vet with my wife so that we can get shots for the cat.

Katie is having a sleepover tonight at Natasha’s. She has expressed concern about it, but says that she wants to do it anyway. This will be the first day ever in which she has spent the night away from home.

There was another Chinese class for Katie this afternoon. My wife dropped her off at Natasha’s afterwards. I put Bobby to bed.

Bobby was rather subdued this evening. Is he missing his sister? We played “What Does The Fox Say” on Alexa.

My wife and I both mentioned how strange it feels not to have Katie home with us. This is probably a bit of a “prequel” to what empty nesters must feel.