Day #3665 (Sat., Jan. 18, 2020) – Katie Finds A Snake

Look at that vicious animal in the photo to the left. He would lick you to death!

Katie found a snake in our yard today so that was today’s entertainment for both Katie and Bobby.

Katie and Bobby and the two dogs went to feed the neighbors chickens later in the day. We have noticed that the kids have a better mood when they play outside.

It looks like I might have the flu. My wife says that there are other flus going around that aren’t as severe as the one she had. Maybe I have one of those. My nose is running, I have a pounding headache, and am tired all the time. I don’t seem to want to do anything but watch television.

I showed Katie a bit of the “Our Planet” documentary on NetFlix. It was voted as the #1 documentary on Netflix these days and the video of the animals and such is just spectacular.