Day #4112 (Fri., Apr. 9, 2021) – Wife Tired All Day

The photo to the right if a good shot of Bobby with Maple.

We were thinking that my wife would be sick all day, which seems to be the case the day after people get their second dose of Pfizer. She was fine, just tired. She slept for most of the day.

As a result, I went to Bobby for his 9:00 online class this morning. We learned words that have “th” in them. Bobby munched on little chocolate cookies. I asked him if the teacher allowed it, and he said it was fine, so I let him go ahead. The laptop was losing power so he had to plug it in at one point.

Katie is failing at English. Go figure… This is a subject she should be doing fine at. Apparently, according to her assessment, she is having problems with understanding the “author’s point of view”. My wife printed out some exercises for her to do this weekend to hopefully remedy this situation in the future.