Day #4115 (Mon., Apr. 12, 2021) – New Bookcases
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I made hot dogs for the kids this morning. Bobby doesn’t usually like buns, but he did today. Katie loves buns so I guess you could say that he had “the usual”. Both Katie and Bobby had two hot dogs in buns with some ketchup (see photo to the left). I steamed the buns as well, which made them extra soft.
Bobby has taken up saying the phrase, “I don’t like it…I love it”. Possibly from some video games or YouTube videos he is watching.
Michelle Pratico, Izzy’s mom, was giving away a couple of bookcases this evening so I drove my wife down in the van to get them. She doesn’t feel comfortable driving after night. They have a couple of dogs so we decided to leave Maple at home and avoid any difficulties.
Why are they giving the bookcases away? They are moving and want to get everything going as soon as possible. Perhaps because the kids are grown and gone to college, but perhaps there is more?