Day #4152 (Wed., May 19, 2021) – Strawberry Picking Is Harder Now
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This afternoon my wife took the kids strawberry picking (see photo to the left). The picking is much harder now…looks like the season will soon be over.
Later this afternoon Bobby asked about the upcoming Daddy/Daughter/Son Day that I mentioned. Sometime this month I’m going to go to the Dollar Store and we will have a Facetime (or Skype) session where I go through the aisles and pick out a toy that they want. As they cannot go inside to the pandemic, and I have my vaccine shots, this is the next best thing. On the way home I will stop off at McDonald’s and pick up a Happy Meal for each of them.
My wife were talking about the above event and there is a potential issue with the amount of data plan this will use… Maybe taking pictures and IMing and back forth is a better idea?