Day #292 (Fri., Oct. 22, 2010) – The Chase
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Little Katie understands what it means to be chased. I was playing with her in the hallway when I said “I’m going to get you”. She had this huge grin and smile on her face and turned around and tried to speedily crawl away. It’s amazing how “hard-wired” some things are in those little minds.
Little Katie loves it when I put “whatever” on my head. For some reason this is very entertaining to her. Daddy ended up putting a brown paper bag on his head and she got a great kick out of that. She also enjoyed watching daddy rip it up into pieces. Watching things get torn down or ripped up seems to be her greatest joy right now.
The photo to the right shows little Katie peering out of the gate over the stairway. She used to “longingly” peer out of the playyard…here’s one more set of fences/dates to peer out of and long of a “free life” on the other side…
I was supervising little Katie as she had a bath this evening. She loved to take turns munching on the various little “Winnie the Pooh” figurines. I had to put a scoop of hot water into her bath water from time-to-time so that she would not get cold.
Later in the evening I was balancing little Katie on my lap when a movie came on the television. As the theme music started to play little Katie started to clap along. She sure loves music…
1) Little Katie loves to be chased.