Day #300 (Sat., Oct. 30, 2010) – Costume Making

Here it is…day #300. I played with little Katie this morning. She seems happier…perhaps the teething phase is gone…at least for a while.

2010-10-30 - Chipmunk Costume
2010-10-30 - Chipmunk Costume

We went to the local restaurant this afternoon that we tried to go to last night. This time little Katie got to stay for a bit longer. She enjoyed throwing things off the table and onto the ground and looking at them til mommy or daddy went to pick them up.

This evening my wife and I made a “chipmunk” Halloween costume for little Katie. I put “chipmunk” in quotes as it does provide for some artistic license (some may differ as to the actual accuracy of the outcome). We already had a brown hoodie/pants and attached some ears and a tail. You can see the finished product in the photo to the left. The ears were made out of two brown sheets of felt (one dark and one light), and the tail was made out of a fluffy piece of material we found at Michael’s Arts & Supply Store (1/2 off with a Sunday coupon).

We did two Skype sessions with my mother today. One in the morning just in case we got too busy this weekend, but we ended up doing another one tonight so that she could see the Halloween costume we made for little Katie.

I was playing with little Katie in the playyard this evening and put some of her toys on my head. She finds it real strange when I do that and proceeds to grab them off. She had to climb up on me this time (almost standing straight up), and we can see that her legs are getting stronger and stronger. She will be walking around in no time. I’m glad that we got those jigsaw mats for the falls that are sure to come.

1) Little Katie is almost standing up now…