Day #4290 (Mon., Oct. 4, 2021) – Pop Can Experiment

I developed a card game that I played with Bobby this morning. It’s similar to “Old Maid”, but you had to match a US State with it’s corresponding Captial. You lost if you picked the “LOSER” card before matching all the States/Capitals.

My wife did a pop can experiment with Katie in the kitchen this morning. She heated up a pop can with some water in it. When it started to boil, she turned it over into some cold water. The can would collapse as the air condensed. It did “ripple the can”, but the can didn’t collapse as we had hoped.

The photo to the right shows a drawing that Bobby did today. It shows a fox at night (on the top) and during the day (on the bottom).

I put Bobby to bed this evening. We read some more “Day of the Dragon King” book, and discussed the “Terra Cotta Warriors” which appeared in it.