Day #4380 (Sun., Jan. 2, 2022) – Pot of Gold Chocolates

Bobby hit Katie this morning, so no computer for him today. He went to his room crying and actually fell asleep crying. He must have been tired. I wonder if he gets up and roams around in the middle of the night?

Harris-Teeter and Trader Joe’s this afternoon as bad weather is forecast for tomorrow. At Harris-Teeter I bought some cupcakes and a “1” and “2” candle to spell out “12” (as in years) for Katie’s birthday in a few days. I also got a “7” as Bobby will be turning seven in a few months.

This afternoon I explained to Bobby the concept behind the Pot of Gold Chocolates that we used to get in Canada as children (see photo to the right). She is holding a box, which has a picture of the box, which has a picture of the box, to infinity…

This evening Katie and I watched a 12 year old fashion designer who had a YouTube channel. She had 1000 subscribers, but almost no views on her videos. Did she buy these subscribers?