Day #4433 (Thu., Feb. 24, 2022) – Russia Invades Ukraine

With Russia invading the Ukraine, and sanctions looming, it’s probably only a matter of time before cyber attacks hit us here in the U.S.  Given this fact, it’s time to stock up (even more)…  I went to Sam’s Club this morning and got some more canned food, and even a large box of white rice (they were out of other types of rice).  I also picked up a new propane tank (see photo to the left), in case we need to cook via the grill…

As I lined up to pick up Bobby this afternoon I listened to the reports about the Russian invasion of the Ukraine.  Hard to believe that this is happening.  Bobby told me that he had a cheese sandwich for school lunch today.  He also told me that in gym class they had a rope skipping stations class.

On the drive home I gave Bobby some Lance’s crackers and mango drink.  We want him to be well fed for violin class this afternoon so he won’t be fussy.

The kids have viola/violin class today.  My wife told me that Bobby was very well behaved.  He should have been as I lectured him on the consequences of misbehaving…  If he didn’t whine or complain, but did a great job, he would get to play on the iPad tonight.  If he didn’t behave…NOT…

Katie is thinking of taking up the violin as opposed to the viola.  The teacher told her that it will be much easier to get a scholarship if she plays the viola as there are fewer competitors.  We are letting her make up her mind on this…

Murren & group not let Katie join.  Nico says stay away as they are mean.