Day #4476 (Fri., Apr. 8, 2022) – Cancelled Pizza Party

Here’s a throwback picture from the last group viola/violin session…Katie and Wolfgang (see photo to the right).

I dropped Bobby off at school today and made sure that he wore his mask.  I could not see him as his back was turned, and his teacher was in the way, but I’m pretty sure he wore it (I asked him later and he did).

I stopped off at Wegman’s for groceries after dropping Bobby off.  I picked up some more frozen treats for them.

At Harris-Teeter I returned the bags of dog treats that I have amassed on the top of the fridge.  Maple is very finicky, and only likes certain treats.  They gave me a store credit, which as fine as we shop their often.

I picked up Bobby this afternoon.  He told me that he made a rainbow fish in class today.

We were planning on going over to Cal’s house for a pizza party this afternoon, but Cal has the sniffles so we declined.  Better to be safe than sorry.

Katie and Bobby played nicely in the back yard this afternoon.  They started off by having a picnic, and that soon morphed into some nature photography.