Day #4565 (Wed., July 6, 2022) – Pool Popsicles
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My wife had a work meeting all day today so I tended to the kids. After breakfast we headed to the Clark Pool for a dip. Bobby brought his regular snorkel today. Soon after we got there someone came by with a cooler offering everyone a free “Mr. Freeze” (or popsicle as he called it). I didn’t take one, but the kids did. It’s funny, they won’t let you eat inside the confines of the pool, but they let this guy come in and hand out popsicles… He said that he had extra ones so I think he was either associated with the pool or the nearby school and had some sort of a meeting with food.
When we got home we were out of pizzas, so I made the kids fish & chips. Well, “fish sticks & chips” actually (see photo to the left). Bobby wanted me to make him a banana split and Katie wanted some watermelon.
This evening, before bed, Bobby wanted to play some hide & seek. Both times I actually couldn’t find him because he was hiding under a blanket somewhere around the house. When I almost gave up I could see the blanket move and “caught you”!