Day #4615 (Thu., Aug. 25, 2022) – Elementary School Meeting

My wife took Katie to the tailor to get her clothes adjusted this afternoon (see photo to the left).  The tailor has moved across the street to be next to Phydeau, where we get our cat food.

My wife took Bobby to Glenwood this afternoon to meet his teachers and get ready for the school year.  He said that the best part was eating Ethan, his “online play buddy”, but he’s not very happy about going back to school.

It looks like Bobby’s teacher this year will be Miss Johnson, not Miss Stafford.  Happy days… 🙂

I went to Aldi this afternoon for groceries.  Katie wanted Bomb Pops, but they were out of them, so I got other special ice creams that I’m sure they will like.  I also picked up some gummies for Bobby.  A little bit of a treat as school is next week.

It looks like Katie might be in the same class as Murren this year, something that we were hoping to avoid.  We’ll know soon enough as school starts up again on Monday.