Day #4632 (Sun., Sept. 11, 2022) – Kids Feel Better

Today is the anniversary of 9/11.  Hard to believe that it happened a generation ago, 21 years to be exact.  Katie & Bobby were not even thought of back then…

The kids are feeling much better today!  It looks like they will be going back to school tomorrow!  Daddy on the other hand is in the grips of whatever Bobby had.  I’ve been moping around the house all day, not doing any work, trying to sleep and for the most part just “existing”.  Tomorrow is another day.  Hopefully I will feel better.

I’m so proud of Katie.  She has really taken to Bloxburg, the house designing Roblox app with such gusto.  She’s got a real passion for it and it’s nice to see something that she loves so much she will stick with it…  There was a time when we were worried that she didn’t seem to show a long-term passion for anything.

I’ve been making this great little dessert that my wife loves.  It’s basically the simplest of desserts, with only two ingredients, a kind of a “cherry cobbler” (see photo to the right).  A can of sugar-free cherry pie filling and a cup of oatmeal.  Bake it for 350 degrees for 45 minutes, add a dollop of whip cream, and enjoy!  It certainly is the easiest dessert I have ever made, and since the cherry pie filling is “sugar free”, it’s relatively low in calories as well.